
Issues After Divorce

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West Bend Family Lawyer

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Serving Beaver Dam, Oshkosh, West Bend & Wisconsin

We want you to move forward to a positive future. Our mediation fees include unlimited emails and calls before, during and after mediation.

Oshkosh Post-Divorce Lawyers

Legal Help for Resolving Issues After Divorce

After there can be a disagreement regarding the children’s placement or their financial support. The court will apply different standards in determining a request to change placement based upon how long it has been since the divorce. If a custodial parent decides to relocate more than 150 miles away or out of state, they must have the consent of the former spouse or obtain a court order to move with the children. Even those without children might need to change alimony or maintenance payments. Whether in litigation or mediation, Derr & Villarreal, LLC Attorneys & Mediators take a thorough and careful approach to requests to change a divorce agreement.

Learn more about how we can help you with post-divorce modifications by contacting our offices.

Changes Involving Alimony

Some couples at divorce establish non-modifiable alimony or maintenance but for those who do not establish non-modifiable maintenance, a change in financial circumstances is necessary to modify alimony:

A change of employer
Reduced salary

Changes Involving Child Custody & Support

Changes to child support can be based on a number of factors including a change in the child’s age or specific medical or educational needs. Changes can also be based on the circumstances surrounding the parent such as loss of a job or other significant changes in the financial situation.

Experienced Legal Representation for Issues After Divorce

We can answer your question of whether you can move with your children either out of state or more than 150 miles from your residence. We can help you provide the correct legal notice and follow the statutory procedure which may require mediation through the county. If you are unable to agree, the court will decide if you can move with your children. At the hearing, The West Bend family law attorneys & Derr  Villarreal, LLC Attorneys  Mediators will help you produce evidence which directly relates to the specific factors listed in the Wisconsin’s removal statute.

For any issues after divorce contact Derr  Villarreal, LLC Attorneys & Mediators by calling us & in Beaver Dam at 920-885-5549, in West Bend at262-334-1810 , and in Oshkosh at 920-233-1994